On behalf of everyone who loves Leonard Lake, we ask you to share in our commitment to improve, protect and preserve the lake environment with membership in the LLSA.
Our membership year runs May 1 - April 30.
(Membership payment is due May 1st each year)
For registered Leonard Lake property
Regular and associate membership is $55 per year.
If you have any questions please call Marilyne at (647) 688-2013.
Associate Membership
Non-property owner youth and other individuals, 16 years or older.
In 2017 a new category of membership was recommended and approved as a means to increase the involvement and interest of "Associates" in key issues such as lake health and stewardship going forward. Associate members must be sponsored by a property owner, are able to serve as an official board member with some exceptions, and are non-voting, but could present a proxy vote on behalf of a regular member. Regular and associate membership is $55 per year.
Please fill "Enroll Online" form before payment to confirm your address so that payment is matched with the correct property
LLSA incurs increasing expenses related to the protection of our land and water and the need for enhanced and more frequent water testing. Yearly since 2017, our “Eyes on the Lake” have identified incidents of blue-green algae in Leonard Lake, and in 2020, a lake-wide golden brown algal bloom. When a bloom is expected, the water team also does 'early-warning' tests for toxicity so that residents can be informed quickly , when required.
In 2022 the Leonard Lake Water Team undertook a spring runoff testing program. The ultimate goal of the project is to track the source of blue-green algae on Leonard Lake, and runoff testing is one of the elements under examination. The runoff project will be repeated in 2023, building data from a second year of results for comparison purposes. The project incurs costs for equipment rental or purchase and laboratory fees for water testing.
On behalf of the LL Water Team and the LLSA Board, we ask and encourage you to consider adding a donation to your membership fee to support the work of LLSA and the health of Leonard Lake. Thank you!
Send Interac e-Transfer:
​(no password needed)
Include your lot #911 in the notes section of the e-transfer
- or -
Or mail your check to:
LLSA c/o Mark Scarrow
1250 Leonard Lake Road #2
Bracebridge, ON P1L 0M5
(Cheques can also be dropped off at 1032 Leonard Lake Rd #2
Please include your name and #911 lot so your payment is registered to the right property and owner. Address to LLSA c/o Ann Lowry and place in the drop box at the end of the driveway)
Payment Method
With e-transfer, you can be assured that 100% of your membership due and/or donation reaches LLSA and can be put to work on behalf of Leonard Lake